Penetration Of Solar Panels In Townsville

Residential solar Townsville

The solar panel is a device, which absorbs sunlight for energy and later uses it for electricity and heating. In today’s world, most of the country uses a solar panel, so they can absorb sunlight and consume it afterward.

In Australia, Townsville is a coastal city. The waterpark is very popular there. Residential solar Townsville is a part of the Australian government’s $93.8M project, of solar cities program. For Townsville project, Australian government provides $15M and State government provides $5M. This project was commenced in 2007 and completed in 2013, June. City council people helped very much to make this program a reality.

Types of Solar panels

There are seven types of solar panels or three generations.

First generation

These solar panels are of traditional types. i.e.

Mono-crystalline solar panels: Their output power is high and they occupy less space. They are the most expensive solar panels.

Poly-crystalline solar panels: Their life-span is shorter. They are made up of melting raw silicon.

Second generation solar panels:

These are used in photovoltaic power stations or in buildings.

Amorphous silicon solar cell: This solar cell uses triple layer technology. Its efficiency rate is 7%.

Thin-Film solar cell: This cell is less expensive. These are easiest to produce and are cheaper than any other solar cell.

Third Generation:

Some of these solar panels by using organic material generate electricity, others use inorganic substances.

Bio-hybrid Solar cell: These cells are still in the research process. These cells are discovered at Vanderbilt University by an expert.

Cadmium Telluride Solar Cell: These are low-cost solar cells and their payback time is also shorter. They use Cadmium Telluride to make it.

Concentrated PV Cell: These are multi-junction solar panels. Their efficiency is up to 41%, which is the highest among the photovoltaic system.

Uses of Solar panels:

  • From the solar panel, your electricity bill will be lowered.
  • You can use solar energy in heating or generate energy.
  • You can sell your generated energy by the solar panel to the electric grid. By doing this the government gives you incentives.
  • Your home value will increase by 20%.
  • Carbon-footprints can be reduced by using solar cars, trains, planes etc.

Solar Companies in Townsville

There are so many solar companies Townsville. Some company names are as follow:

  • Country Solar
  • Horan and Bird
  • Tropical Energy Solutions
  • True North Solar
  • Super Green Solutions
  • Apollo Solar Townsville
  • Solar Storage Solutions
  • These are some famous solar companies in Townsville that provide solar panels in the city.